Writing leeds, extension project to the 'Writing Britain’ film delivered in 2012, commissioned by the British Library. The aim, to produce three short films written by young people of leeds, their films to reflect their sense of place, belonging, hopes, dreams they have for the future.
After months of workshops with over 15 young writers, the majority of which were first time writers, three individuals were chosen to have their words put to film. In partnership, Investment in each film was undertaken by Studio12 a media initiative dedicated to working with 16 - 30 years and supported and developed by the industry film production company Left Eye Blind.
Shot on RED cinema cameras, underwater and on fire, the films provide a cinematic perspective to the harsh reality faced by our young writers and millions of others growing up in poverty. The supporting documentary questions the social problems facing an emerging social class and asks what more can be provided to today's youth living within it.
The result, three films produced to a industry standard, which British Library, Studio12, Left Eye Blind and the young people are conferment to take to main stream media. Writing Leeds highlights how investment in young people can result in new, informative, reflective and exceptional ideas for film.
Watch the the films now on www.BBC.co.uk/fresh
First added by Rosie Wilkinson
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