Zakariya, Ayesha, Gabriela and Saif's exhibition

This is about the national Holocaust centre. We've been learning about the holocaust and what it tells us about our lives today.

Where is the holocaust centre? The National Holocaust Centre & Museum Acre Edge Road Laxton Nottinghamshire NG22 0PA

What is the national holocaust centre?

These are the films that we have produced to tell you about us.

There I was on the train
Leaving my mum in such a pain.
Sitting down in the seat,
It felt like I couldn’t move my feet.

The train set off,
I heard a cough.
There were no familiar faces,
I wish I could have followed my traces.

Sadness went through my chest,
Tears went out but I tried my best.
As I arrived,
I looked terrified.
As if I would soon meet my demise.

It was insane!
I and my mother felt the pain
I gave 1 last wave,
To my poor mother

I slowly stepped onto the kinder transport,
Ready to go
All I could hear was NO
I started at my mother’s big fat tear
As I trembled with fear

She gave a sigh as she turned her back on me
The pain I can see
Was impossible to erase
As I said my phrase

I leaned my back on the chair
Life is so UNFAIR
I knew my mother was tense
As she leaned on the fence.
I cared less for myself but my mother
Cause we love 1 and another
My heart drowned
And my mother frowned
I really wanted to go back but there was no turning back.

My name is Leo
I am 11 Years old
I am a Jewish kid
Hitler hates every Jew
They don’t consider them very well
My parents are sending me away
As I saw my mother for the last time
She was very upset
I have no right of staying in Germany.

Dear diary,
I am writing to inform about the second time we went to the Holocaust centre. It was a very decent day and we went to the Holocaust centre because of our good behaviour and they wanted us to make an exhibition there. The Holocaust was made because of the survivors. The survivors survived the World War II. And they told stories in different ways.

It was a very long trip but we managed. Once we got there, we were led into a little room were we would eat and discuss things. A lady called Hannah came into the room and told us what we will do. I was looking forward to the day ahead of us. Hannah took us outside so we could go into a big room. In the room was a big room fitted with a screen. It covered the corners. Also it was wide and dark and on the floor was a fuzzy material that we sat on. We entered the room so we could watch a video clip of refuges and a little boy named Leo.

We went to many rooms based on Leo’s home. Then we went back to our room ready to eat. After eating class 5 went to a garden where lots of people died. Last of all we went to meet a lady called Susi and she had an interesting story to tell us.

Dear diary,
On the 15th June 2016 my class and I went to one of the best trips ever. Wen also got to talk to someone who survived WW II.

What we first did was we recapped what we learned last time about Leo’s journey. Leo is a Jewish kid, who lives with his parents and little sister. In Leo’s journey he went through a series of events, which weren’t so good for him because his family and he is Jude’s and that’s exactly what Adolph Hitler hated. So then Leo had to start his journey (to England). But to get to England he would have to get on the kinder transport. As we recapped all the stuff we did last time we went through the rooms, which represents all the stuff that Leo was talking about. After we went through these rooms to recap everything we then went into a special room, which has a lot of stuff in it. The stuff was actually suitcases. But not just any suitcases but the survivors suitcases. Next to it was a casement full of toys. But again not just any toys but the survivors toys. After this we had lunch. But once we ate our lunch we met… A SURVIVOR her name was Susi Beckovfer. After this we went back home.


We made this poster to tell you about the negative and positive behaviours of the WW II. When we visited the Holocaust centre we saw a memorial of stones which represented each life that was lost. That was why we put the negative words in the stone. On the roses we put the good words in to represent the good stuff that came out of the war.