We discussed how women learn about pregnancy and childbirth, and the women told us about how they found out about what would happen – and what knowledge they’d passed on to the younger generation.
One of the women asked:
"had anyone given you any information about this? Either in Afghanistan, your mum, or over here ... had anyone given you any information about how to give birth? Or, what you need to learn prior to giving birth?"
One woman commented:
"When you become pregnant, you shouldn’t lift heavy things because the baby slips, it is like water and it will die. And ... yeah ... it will be born deformed. And, they say ... like ... that the embryo ... when it is growing, you shouldn’t eat eggs because they believe that eggs are embryos as well; when these two embryos are in one place, the baby will die, and..."
Someone asked:
"Did you give any advice to anyone, like to someone who’s younger than you? Did you tell anyone what to do and what not to do, what they need to be careful about? Had you told them anything?"
Another woman replied:
"Yes, we had told them. Like, not to lift heavy things and – [inaudible] – not to take any medications. When you give birth ... like ... not to eat too much, more than ever, when they give birth. They should eat ... I mean ... eat sufficiently"
...and she explained that when the labour started:
"when they go to the hospital, they shouldn’t have eaten too much food ... I mean ... so that they don’t feel too much strain."