Time to go Trans-Atlantic.
Rain in the Sunshine state.
Robinson, 2018.
Time to take a break away from the cultured weekend European city break and try the land of make-believe. The happiest place on earth, house of the mouse, yes, I was Orlando bound. This, however, was no single ladies on tour weekend away, this was a full-on, full-time holiday with the tribe- my kids ranging in ages from 11 to 24. A nine-hour flight later and several decent cups of tea on board Virgin Atlantic had me ready to embrace all the “Sunshine State” had to offer. I did not have a chance to catch a glimpse of the mouse, however, as we were too busy dodging cats and dogs (it rained, it rained a lot).
Photo of rain in the sunshine, happy sky and video of Sand Cranes by Denise Robinson, 2018 are all Licensed under Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivaties 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Happy sky.
Robinson, 2018.
Not a family to allow thunderstorms to spoil our fun, we continued to the theme parks like seasoned professionals and sought out all the attractions indoors. After hanging at a 40 degree angle in Gringotts bank, escaping a villainous creature with the aid of Spiderman, cycling around the moon to get E T safely home and a competition shooting aliens with Will Smith (I lost dismally), it was back to our holiday home with the kids occupied and the sun finally shining on me it was tea time, as this was an extended holiday I decide to take my own tea bags with me. Two weeks without my Yorkshire Teabags was unimaginable. Sheer bliss and finally some me time even the sky was happy for me and then the locals came calling …….
Sand Cranes.
Robinson, 2018.